Keeping babies safe from all possible harm is a constant concern of mothers and fathers. It is never of greater concern than following a special occasion in your baby's life when they receive gifts from family members and friends. Even though, they love your baby and would never knowingly do anything to cause your baby harm, they may not be as aware as you of potential dangers associated with their gifts. Therefore, you have a responsibility to ensure the special-occasion gifts are 100% safe for your baby to play with.
You, the safety conscious parent, want the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have done all you can to create a 100% safe environment for your baby. Here are a few helpful suggestions:
1. If your baby has access to big brother or big sister's toys, make sure those toys meet the same safety standards as toys for babies the age of your baby. Make sure there are no small parts that can come off in your baby's mouth and choke him/her.
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2. Verify that car seats, cribs, strollers, furniture, and clothing meet stringent safety standards.
3. Check with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (CPSC). The CPSC has the latest information on recent recalls of dangerous baby products - information that is crucial to have before you begin using any item.
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4. Used car seats may seem too good to remove from use, but they may not be safe. Your best bet is a brand new infant car seat. If a car seat is more than ten years old or has been involved in a crash, it may not be structurally sound. Check the car seat's "expiration date." Resist the temptation to use a seat that too large for your baby, as he or she can slip out of car seats that are too large.
5. New baby cribs are always the best bet for meeting the latest safety standards. These standards include making sure that the distance between the slats is no more than 2-3/8 inches; that the mattress fits snugly into the crib; and that the top of the side rail, when at its lowest position, is at least 26 inches about the mattress.
Gifts are sometimes bought well in advance of the gift-giving occasion: during a sale, because the buyer think it will be difficult to find later, or because of convenience. Safety hazards may be discovered between the time of purchase and the time of delivering the gift. Previously used gift are sometimes overlooked during a recall, become structurally weaken during usage, or have paint that is not safe for your baby's mouth. Observing the precautions listed here will help you prevent what could be a bad situation later.